Reorganized the UI and UX

Submitted by Jeff on

Reorganized some things that have been bothering me with the user interface. The biggest has to be the annoying popup that asked if you want to reset the widget values or load what you had before. I had it mainly because I needed a way to reset everything when a game was completed and also wanted to keep my current values for the game if the browser reloads. So in it's place, by default on reload it will reload the widgets to the values they had before the reload to avoid choosing the wrong option.

To be able to reset the widgets after a game or even reset the dashboard, I added a menu to the upper left hand corner. In there I added an option to reset widgets back to their default values and another that will remove all of the widgets from the dash board. I also moved the button to add widgets to the menu, so there is now more room for the widgets on the dashboard. This should make things simpler to build dashboards and make their use easier.

What I also added was a "welcome" screen for the dash board to help new people get started. It is a basic tutorial that explains the menu options and the widgets. Got the idea from a friend who didn't know what the button with a plus sign was for. Hopefully it will clear things up, and maybe will help with my SEO issues.

The last feature that I added was a recently accessed list for the Army List widget. So now the application will cache the last 3 lists that you loaded and will put them in order of last use. This way you don't need to go searching for lists and should make for loading them faster as well. If you update a list, you will still want to load as normal.  The reason is what is in the widget is a cached copy and will not be what you just updated. If you do load an updated list with the same name as what is already in the widget, it will replace the cached version.